Meet our people

Dr Sophie Carr

Dr Sophie Carr CMath, CSci, Cstat, AfDSP FRSS, FIMA, MRAeS is the director of Bays Consulting and a statistician, specialising in Bayesian statistics and data fusion. She sits on the executive committees of the: Royal Statistical Society (where is also the VP for Education and Statistical Literacy), and the General Council of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, the advisory board for the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences and on the executive committee for the Proto-Academy for the Mathematical Sciences. Having trained as an aeronautical engineer and worked as a flight engineer, she completed a PhD in Bayesian Belief Networks and has worked multi- discipline projects ever since – to put it another way she has made a career out of finding patterns. She founded her own company following redundancy which is known for providing statistical analysis, mathematical modelling and for Bays Crowd, an innovative tool predicting crowd movement in response to threats and disturbances.

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