To help us think about what is needed to create a long-term vision and plan for education in England, Carl Ward (FED Chair), hosts a series of ‘In Conversation With’ videos with significant influential individuals to help move our thinking forward.
This week we are delighted to present our latest instalment with the inspiring Dr Rebecca Winthrop, Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Centre for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution (DC). Rebecca’s research focuses on education globally, with special attention to the skills young people need to thrive in work, life, and as constructive citizens. Rebecca works to promote quality and relevant education, including exploring how educational innovations can leapfrog progress, particularly for the most marginalized children and youth.
In this far-reaching conversation, Rebecca helps us to consider what needs to be considered by all actors to help move education towards a long-term vision. Rebecca’s international insights are invaluable, she highlights how teachers and school leaders need to be at the table, and although dialogue can be difficult, it is essential for change, otherwise ‘teachers wait out’ until the next election cycle. Rebecca’s current international research project, focussing on parental perspectives to what makes good quality education, provides interesting insights, but also an important reminder that a robust public conversation on education is important in moving towards a long term vision and plan. Rebecca also discusses the scaling of change in education, ‘flexible adaptation’ and how we have an opportunity to reshape and rethink our education system as a result of the pandemic and so much more.