The Foundation for Education Development (FED) is a community interest company with the objectives of promoting the benefits, importance and understanding of long a long-term vision and plan for education in England.
We have a three-year mandate to consult with all stakeholders with an interest in education and to begin to develop a framework for a long-term vision and plan for education in England. Our wide-ranging consultation has included input from all of our FED stakeholder councils with our thinking being refined by our four independent workstreams.
In these short conversations you will hear Jo Malone, FED Executive Team member, talk with a co-chair from each of the workstreams and hear about the progress to date and some of the thinking and debate that has taken place.
In this fireside chat you will hear Emma Knights, CEO of National Governance Association, talk about Workstream 2 – Structures to develop and govern a 10-year education plan which include the development of system architecture that delivers intelligent, sustainable long-term policy and planning.