Human flourishing in an AI world

Free breakfast seminar with Michael Stevenson (OECD)

We are delighted to be in partnership with Hays Education, hosting a series of free breakfast seminars, bringing together thought leaders and education leaders up and down the country to explore our most pressing education issues; and what the possibilities are with a longer-term vision for our Education system.

In our third event, we invite you to join Michael Stevenson from the OECD to discuss Education for Human Flourishing in an AI world: new ideas on education purposes, policies and practices currently under development with high performing education systems in Europe, North America and Asia.  Michael will be joined by Damian Allen, CEO of Doncaster Council. Together they are working on what Education for human flourishing looks like on the ground in South Yorkshire. 

During this session we will consider:

  • What we mean by Human Flourishing & why it matters
  • How education can enable us to flourish in the coming age of machines
  • How learning, teaching and assessment can be reshaped to support Human Flourishing
  • Doncaster’s ambitious Talent & Innovation Ecosystem – Human Flourishing in practice

Date: 28th February 2024


  • 08.30 – 09.00 Registration & Light breakfast
  • 09.00 – 09.05 Welcome from Hays
  • 09.05 – 09.15 Brief introduction to the work of FED
  • 09.15 – 09.45 Michael Stevenson – Education for Human Flourishing
  • 09.45 – 10.00 Damian Allen – Human Flourishing in practice: Doncaster
  • 10.00 – 11.00 Discussion and close

Location: Learn Sheffield, Suite 6 (2nd floor), Albion House, Savile St, Sheffield S4 7UD. Car park entrance through archway opposite Tesco Extra petrol station

For more information about this and future events please contact [email protected]

Damian Allen is the CEO of Doncaster Council’s

Damian Allen is the CEO of Doncaster Council’s having previously served as the Chief Officer for Children (DCS) and Adults (DASS).

He is a qualified teacher and has taught in middle and secondary schools, Further Education and Higher Education.  

Damian was a senior manager in education for six years and a Governor in every phase of education before moving into Local Authorities, initially in school improvement, where he was Ofsted trained and then with wider children’s services. 

From 2005, he has been a director in local government and the health service, where he had responsibility for children and adult services, commissioning, libraries and community services, mental health services, and community health services. He has also been the national director for a leading children’s charity during this period.

In addition, he has advised the UK and other governments on education and children’s services matters, as well acting as a member of a number of Commissions of Inquiry, Advisory Boards and Ministerial Advisory Groups.

Michael Stevenson is Senior Consultant OECD High Performing Systems for Tomorrow

Michael Stevenson is Senior Consultant OECD High Performing Systems for Tomorrow. HPST brings together British Columbia (Canada), Estonia, Finland, Germany, Singapore, Australia and the United Kingdom to develop new education purposes, policies and practices in support of human flourishing. He is also orchestrating a Talent and Innovation Ecosystem in Doncaster, where he was brought up. The work has potential to support levelling up across the north of England. Michael founded and co-chairs the Global Education Leaders Partnership. He has led education at Cisco Systems and the BBC.


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