To help us think about what is needed to create a long-term vision and plan for education in England, Carl Ward (FED Chair), hosts a series of ‘In Conversation With’ videos with significant influential individuals to help move our thinking forward.
This week we are delighted to present our latest instalment with the world-leading authority on the effectiveness of government, Sir Michael Barber. Michael is the founder and chairman of Delivery Associates, a global advisory firm focussed on working with governments and other public and social impact organisations to help them deliver improved outcomes for people around the world.
In this important conversation, Michael talks about the release of his new book titled ‘Accomplishment’. He delves into the way that accomplishing ambitious and challenging things is a process that can lend itself to Government, elite sport and of course the education system. Bringing together examples from his personal experience to support his ideas, including numerous stories from his time in education, he references an interview with Gareth Southgate after the 2018 Wold Cup on the process behind a successful penalty shoot out, a relevant anecdote to current circumstances. Michael argues that accomplishment is achievable for all through a deep belief that it is possible, but that it will never be easy – a core message to take away from his discussions.
You can purchase Michael’s newly released book here.