Delivery Associates

Effective governments and public organisations use their resources to deliver better services and outcomes for people.  Delivery Associates works with leaders around the world to improve public sector effectiveness and productivity, delivering public value and results that matter for as many people as possible.   Effective governments and public organisations use their resources to deliver better services and outcomes for people.  Delivery Associates works with leaders around the world to improve public sector effectiveness and productivity, delivering public value and results that matter for as many people as possible.

Sir Michael Barber is Founding Chairman of Delivery Associates. Michael is a world leading expert on government delivery, education systems, systemic innovation and education reform. In 2001 he established the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit in No. 10 Downing Street, which drove delivery of domestic policy priorities for the Prime Minister.

Over the past two decades his research and advisory work on education has focused on school improvement, standards and performance; system-wide reform; effective implementation; access, success and funding in higher education; and access and quality in schools in developing countries. In 2020 for FED he wrote Ten Characters Who Made a School System to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Forster Education Act which introduced universal elementary education.


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