Twin Science

Developing STEM Skills For Sustainability

Teacher platform, student app and STEM kits help students explore Sustainable Development Goals and prototype sustainability projects.

We believe that science is not only a matter of the brain but also a matter of the heart. Along with receiving a STEM+A education and gaining 21st century skills, kids also need to learn social awareness, understand what responsible decision making is, exercise their conscience, and most importantly, consider the collective wellbeing of society.

Twin was founded in 2017 by our co-founders who met while working at an NGO called Young Guru Academy. They travelled the world delivering educational workshops, developing science programs, mentoring children, and even running a scientific TV show on CNN!

Our co-founders saw that the way we were educating our children was letting them down. It was monotonous, one-size-fits-all, and incomplete. When it came to understanding the intricacies of technology, traditional education failed to stress the need for compassion and technological advancement to go hand in hand.

Upon this realization, they founded Twin to develop a new type of learning that is playful, individualized, and wholesome! Their goal was to teach children the power of technology, empathy, and collaboration.

Today, kids around the world use Twin’s mobile appscience kits, and curriculum of playful lessons to grow their confidence, interests, and STEAM skills. Our approach encourages kids to solve environmental, social and economic challenges of the 21st century.

If your organisation is interested in sponsoring, supporting or partnering the work of the fed, please contact us.


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