Walking in circles? Inclusion and social justice

As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion seeking to answer the theme ‘Addressing the complexities of SEND – education and inclusion. Designing a long-term vision for all.’ We asked Nicole […]
The Gesher Community – A Think Piece

As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion seeking to answer the theme ‘Addressing the complexities of SEND – education and inclusion. Designing a long-term vision for all.’ We asked co-founders […]
Celebrating 150 Years of State Education – Live Recording

The Foundation for Education Development are delighted to share the recording the reception to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of State Education in England, with the awards for the ‘150 years – 150 words’ poetry competition, with the theme of ‘Looking Back – Moving Forward’ with alongside the City of London and the Chartered College of […]