As Founding Director of Oasis UK, Joy established Oasis as a group of organisations delivering education, housing, health, anti human trafficking and a wide range of local community projects. When Oasis became a MAT, she took on the role of CEO of Oasis Community Learning, now responsible for 53 academies. She then became Oasis Global CEO, overseeing Oasis operations in India, Africa and Asia.
Joy’s background is in HR, having worked in Employee Relations for Marks and Spencer. As leader of OCL, Joy was a member of the large MAT HRDs’ Group and co hosted the Break the Cycle initiative, on behalf of Oasis, to improve diversity in the Education Sector. She is passionate about organisation design and development and is keen to ensure that MATs go beyond the ‘provision’ of education and develop into ‘education organisations’.
Joy has also worked extensively in the voluntary sector, with leadership responsibility in the YMCA for 10 years, supporting 200 local YMCA charities with services in HR and governance. She went on to chair a large YMCA for 5 years. She has worked with government and the faith sector to agree and implement religion and belief discrimination legislation and pioneered the Faithworks Charter, supporting faith based organisations to maintain their faith identity while being fully inclusive in their service delivery. Joy is currently a trustee of the Ozanne Foundation which works with religious organisations around the world to eliminate discrimination based on sexuality or gender and is also a member of the Women’s Faith Forum.