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Rajay Naik

Rajay Naik

FED Council Member: Rajay Naik is Chief Executive Officer of Skilled Education, the enabler of online courses and degrees for the world’s most prestigious Universities and largest companies. Skilled also delivers marketing, recruitment and other support to Universities seeking to grow enrolments, increase revenue and enhance quality. In 2014 Naik coined this model “online enabling”. 

Rajay was formerly Global Chief Commercial Officer of Study Group, the world’s largest pathway provider and prior to that was Founder and CEO for four years at Keypath Education which continues to operate the online degrees of the University of Exeter, Aston and other leading institutions.

From 2010 until 2015, Rajay served as Director of The Open University where he was a key architect of the FutureLearn MOOC platform. Previously he was one of five members on the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance chaired by Lord Browne, board member of Coventry City Football Club and Chairman of the Big Lottery Fund which invests over £1.5bn per year.   Rajay continues to serve as a non-executive of UBS’ investment board, Pay.UK which oversees the UK’s payments system and as Governor of the Ditchley Foundation.

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