Sameena Choudry is the founder of Equitable Education Ltd, an educational
consultancy specialising in closing the attainment gap. She is also co-founder
of #WomenEd, a grassroots movement for connecting existing and aspiring women
leaders in education. She has worked as a teacher, lecturer, ITE tutor,
examiner, senior leader, adviser and has had senior officer roles within four
LAs. She currently works as a Senior Learning Standards and Effectiveness
Officer. She is also a trained Ofsted inspector. Sameena has worked with
hundreds of schools to improve educational outcomes for pupils with specific
needs who, with additional support, can and do achieve highly. She has
contributed to a number of publications and written her most recent book Equitable Education: What everyone
working in education should know about closing the attainment gap for all
pupils. She regularly speaks at educational conferences on
issues relating to equity, diversity and social justice.