Project Partners

Oasis Community Learning

Oasis Community Learning was established as a Multi-Academy Trust in 2004 with the vision to create “Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community”. We now run academies in five main regions throughout the UK, providing either Primary, Secondary or All-through education to over 32,000 young people – 47% of whom are from disadvantaged backgrounds and 31% speak English as an additional language. 

All of our academies are committed to providing a rich educational experience and ensuring that every child and young person has the opportunity to achieve at the highest level. Our ethos is integral to that provision. It is an expression of our character, a statement of who we are and therefore the lens through which we assess all we do. We are committed to a model of inclusion, equality, healthy relationships, hope and perseverance throughout all aspects of the life and culture of each academy community.

If your organisation is interested in sponsoring, supporting or partnering the work of the fed, please contact us.


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