The UK Innovation Corridor

Our aim is to organise and promote the UK Innovation Corridor, a unique region with a world-renowned reputation for leading the way in advanced technology and bioscience.

Home to a growing population of 2 million people, it spans the area north from the Royal Docks in London, into Tech City, the City Fringe, Kings Cross, and the Olympic Park, up through the Lee Valley, the M11, A1(M) and A10, the East Coast and West Anglia Mainline rail routes to Stevenage, Harlow and Stansted, and through to Cambridge and Peterborough.

 The Innovation Corridor is the most exciting and dynamic area in the UK, yet its potential is not yet fully realised or recognised. Our focus is to promote the economic development of the area, without compromising its existing quality or character.

If your organisation is interested in sponsoring, supporting or partnering the work of the fed, please contact us.


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