To help us think about what is needed to create a long-term vision and plan for education in England, Carl Ward (FED Chair), hosts a series of ‘In Conversation With’ videos with significant influential individuals to help move our thinking forward.
This week we are delighted to present this timely instalment with Sir Anthony Seldon, FED Ambassador, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Buckingham and a commissioner on the Times Education Commission, a commission that was initially proposed by Sir Anthony.
In this important conversation, you will hear Sir Anthony talks about the work of the Times Education Commission, a year long project expected to inform government policy and to lead to radical change across schools, colleges and universities. Sir Anthony talks about the key areas of focus, the process of evidence gathering and his hopes and aspirations for the work of the commission. For Anthony talks about how he hopes the outcomes of the commission will inform the work of the Foundation for Education Development to help shape a long term vision and plan for education.
The 10 key areas of focus of the Times Education Commission are:
- The purpose of education.
- Social mobility (to include the attainment gap, early-years).
- What children learn (the curriculum).
- How children learn (teaching and pedagogy).
- Assessment.
- Education in the community (to include family, lifelong learning, classroom of the future, faith schools and the environment).
- Mental health and wellbeing (to include character, brain development, food and fitness).
- The role of AI and technology.
- Exclusion, alternative provision and special educational needs.
- Further education and higher education