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Al Kingsley

FED Council Member: Al Kingsley has over 30 years’ experience in the technology sector predominantly with his work on educational technology and digital safeguarding.

For the last 25 years Al has been the Group Managing Director of NetSupport, an international software company developing market-leading software solutions used by over 18 million customers, designed to support the effective use of instructional technology both in classrooms and remotely, alongside eSafety technologies to safeguard students online.

From his experiences at NetSupport working with Ministries of Education around the globe and with his additional responsibilities outside of the company, Al has a unique mix of technical and educational knowledge which allows him to speak nationally and internationally on the effective use of technology in supporting educational outcomes.

Al has been a school governor for the last 15 years and is Chair of Two Multi Academy Trusts and an alternative provision academy. He is also Chair of the Cambridge & Peterborough county SEND panel to steer focused improvements across the Local Authorities Special Educational needs and Disabilities support provisions.

Al is also a member of the Regional Schools Commissioners Head Teacher Board (HTB)  for North London and the south east and is Chair of his combined authority’s Employment and Skills board fostering connectivity between education and the workplace. He is  an East of England Apprenticeship Ambassador and a vocal supporter of apprenticeships as a valuable alternative pathway into careers, Al’s own apprentices have achieved national Gold Medals for their achievements and success.

For the last 10 years Al has also been an independent co-opted member of the Children and Education Scrutiny committee for Peterborough City Council as well as siting on a number of key task and finish groups focused on delivering improvements to Children’s services within the city.  

Al was recognised in the 2020 EdTech50 for his work supporting schools and promoting effective use of EdTech, is an active member of the Forbes Technology Council, a fellow of the RSA and co-author of the 2020 Digital Strategy guide for schools.

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