Meet our people

Michelle Haywood

FED Ambassador Michelle Haywood is the CEO and founding Director of Ordinary Classrooms Educational Consultancy Ltd. Michelle is a qualified teacher and skilled System leader, with particular expertise within Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), Inclusion & Safeguarding. As well as having school sector-wide experience, from Early Years (EY) to Higher Education (HE), across Mainstream, Specialist provision and Multi Academy Trusts, Michelle also has operational and strategic leadership and management experience within the Local Authority, Private, and University-based sector.

Michelle’s experience on leading training and development within the educational sector spans a teacher’s career journey, from undergraduate, postgraduate and apprenticeship models, to early career and onwards. Michelle has led and contributed to a number of specific pathways, including the National SENCO Award (NASENCO), and middle and senior leadership training programmes, such as National Professional Qualifications (NPQ). Michelle is an executive leadership coach and member of the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) and is able to develop continuous professional development (CPD) through a range of training models and bespoke support.

Michelle tweets at @michhayw and @ordclassrooms and is the author of ResearchSEND In Ordinary Classrooms and the Beginner Teacher in Ordinary Classrooms series which are available on Amazon

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