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Education in England needs a ‘re-set’ – a practitioners’ view and a call for action
The Foundation for Education Development (FED) are delighted to share this thinkpiece by Tom Clark CBE, Dame Kathy August and Tony Mackay (Centre for Strategic Education, Melbourne, Australia). On reading this they ask to consider the following – Please note we invite a bi-partisan approach. We want

What we learnt from Skills Builder Partnership’s Essential Skills Tracker 2023 research
Tom Ravenscroft, FED Ambassador and Founder and CEO of the Skills Builder Partnership, shares their recent findings titled ‘What we learnt from Skills Builder Partnership’s Essential Skills Tracker 2023 research’. New findings in the Essential Skills Tracker 2023 from Skills Builder, in partnership with CIPD,

Key Speakers Announced FED National Education Summit 2023
Shaping our education system for the next decade. A day to connect, reflect, and make your voice heard The Foundation for Education Development (FED) believes we need a ten-year plan for education. Constant short term, politically driven changes simply add stress and confusion to a

What’s the intention at the heart of the SEND Improvement Plan?
The Foundation for Education Development (FED) asked Abigail Gray to write a thinkpiece following the FED SEND Roundtable discussion and release of the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan. Abigail has more than 30 years of experience in SEND, teaching in a variety of settings

Why more inclusive school boards are vital
The Foundation for Education Development (FED) asked Hannah Stolton, CEO at Governors for Schools, to write a thinkpiece around governor diversity. Governors for Schools is an educational charity, supporting schools and Multi Academy Trusts by recruiting volunteers to sit on their Boards as Trustees and

What can flourishing really mean?
The Foundation for Education Development’s National Education Leaders Council discussed the notion of human flourishing with a provocation by Michael Stevenson from OECD. At this meeting we asked Aimée Tinkler, Deputy Director of the Greenwood Academies Teaching Institute and Vice-president of the Chartered College of

Context is everything!
As part of our The Foundation for Education Development’s Climate Change & Sustainability Steering Group Workshop, we asked members of the Steering Group and FED Learners Council to share their reflections on the 24 consultation on the discussion. In this think piece, Christine Özden, Global

‘In conversation with’ Patrick Wall
To help us think about what is needed to create a long-term vision and framework for education in England, Carl Ward (FED Chair), hosts a series of ‘In Conversation With’ videos with significant influential individuals to help move our thinking forward. This week we are

Stakeholder Council Member Reflections
The Foundation for Education Development’s vision is informed by hundreds of hours of consultation with hundreds of stakeholders across hundreds of events which has delivered a consistent message: we need a long-term strategy and plan for education in England in order to deliver a system

Workstream Member Reflections
The Foundation for Education Development’s vision is informed by hundreds of hours of consultation with hundreds of stakeholders across hundreds of events which has delivered a consistent message: we need a long-term strategy and plan for education in England in order to deliver a system

Download the programme! FED National Education Summit – Widening the Lens: Insights, Challenges and Possibilities
The Foundation for Education’s (FED) two-day summit in July will take a series of different lenses to long-term education thinking. We ask some key politicians about building cross-party consensus as we suggest some new approaches that will make it easier to move away from stale

Key Speakers Announced for FED National Education Summit 2022 – Widening the lens: Insights, Challenges and Possibilities.
Monday 11th July– Tuesday 12th July The Foundation for Education’s (FED) two-day summit in July will take a series of different lenses to long term education thinking. We ask some key politicians about building cross-party consensus as we suggest some new approaches that will make

Innovation, teacher autonomy and the publishing sector
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Innovation or ‘initiative-itis’: How can we move from initiatives to long

What do we mean by innovation? Is it the same thing as change? Or improvement?
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Innovation or ‘initiative-itis’: How can we move from initiatives to long

The climate for innovation in UK schools
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Innovation or ‘initiative-itis’: How can we move from initiatives to long

How can we sustain school partnerships?
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Partnership working : Art or science? How to develop and manage

Partnership working: choreographing dance moves
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Partnership working: Art or science? How to develop and manage long

The art of partnership and the partnership of arts
As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion focussed on ‘Partnership working : Art or science? How to develop and manage

Mapping the Way to a More Equitable Future for Education
If we want to develop a long term plan for a more equitable education system, then we need a clear map to guide our way. In a recent roundtable and webinar series, in collaboration with Cambridge Assessment Network, FED National Director Loic Menzies explored the