FEDNES DAY 3 – ‘Book Lunch – Courageous Leadership, Diana Osagie’

On Day 3 of FED’s National Education Summit Book Lunch, Alastair Falk hosts a conversation with Diana Osagie around her book Courageous Leadership.

In this passionate conversation, Diana talks about what drove her to writing the book about courageous and leadership and about what courage means to her. She emphases that she will always feel human first, leader second. Diana talks about how great leaders have courage in their make-up and how fear stops you from thinking you are something special. Diana speaks passionately about how a society and community that thrives has love at the heart of it. That love is based on trust and many teachers and leaders don’t feel trusted or loved which is why many are leaving the profession.

Catch up on more events from FED’s National Education Summit here.


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