FEDNES Day 4 – ‘The view after stepping outside the civil service’

On Day 4 of FED’s National Education Summit, a panel on ‘the view after stepping outside the civil service’ with Jonathan Slater, former permanent secretary at the DfE in an open discussion with Hardip Begot CBE, Sam Freedman, Sarah Lewis and Luke Tryl.

In this very frank and provocative session, the panel reflect on their time in the Department for Education and consider what they would say to the department now. The panel discuss where the balance of power should lie, centrally or locally, who should the department be in charge of, and striking a balance between the school and child. This session provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that exist whilst we consider what is needed to create a long-term vision and plan for education.

Catch up on more events from FED’s National Education Summit here.


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