Climate Change & Sustainability Toolkit for Schools

The environment and climate crisis are the most significant threats to humanity we have ever faced. Education has a fundamental role in tackling the climate crisis. The Department for education recognises this, launching its strategy in April 2022. By 2025, every school, college and nursery will have a sustainability lead who will be charged with […]
How Darwin Group are helping to shape the Long Term Plan for Education through Sustainable Design & Build Solutions.

Darwin Group have long been considered the leading providers of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) or Modular Design & Build Solutions for the Education Sector, providing transformational projects for Local Authorities, Independent Schools and Further Education across the country. We strongly believe that high-performing, energy-efficient school buildings can serve a crucial role in uplifting students, […]
Empowering young people to tackle climate change

As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion seeking to answer the theme ‘Building an Education Curriculum for a NetZero Future – Ensuring future generations learn about Climate Change.’ We asked […]
‘Working with existing buildings is complex’ – by Elyse Howell-Price

As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion seeking to answer the theme ‘Sustainability in education – creating greener schools and colleges.’ We asked Elyse Howell-Price to write a thinkpiece […]
“To win the war against carbon, the world needs all the help it can get” OVO Foundation

As we move into the second year of our work at the Foundation for Education Development (FED) and following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we hosted a roundtable discussion seeking to answer the theme ‘Building an Education Curriculum for a NetZero Future – Ensuring future generations learn about Climate Change.’ We […]
Lord Jim Knight ‘In Conversation With’ Carl Ward

To help us think about what is needed to create a long-term vision and plan for education in England, Carl Ward (FED Chair), hosts a series of ‘In Conversation With’ videos with significant influential individuals to help move our thinking forward. This week we are delighted to present our latest instalment with Lord Jim Knight […]
‘Why don’t the good people that run the COP’s just do something about climate education?’ by Jamie Agombar

In the year of COP26 many are raising the issues of a ‘sustainable education system’. The FED objective is to have a long-term vision and plan for education in this country. Such a plan cannot ignore the need to build a net zero environment in education for future generations. At the FED we are making […]
FED Follower Blog – ‘Instil an ethos and ability to care for oneself, others and the natural environment’ by Suzanne Welch

The Foundation for Education Development (FED) are working across sectors and in partnership with all those concerned with the future of education in this country to support the development of a long term vision and plan for education. Following the launch of the FED National Education Consultation Report, we are inviting members of our community […]